Friday, February 14, 2014

Meet Leonardo


This is Leonardo. He is our class pet. We will be looking after him in the classroom AND the students will get to take Leonardo home for a night and have a sleepover. Leonardo will also come with a book that the students will write in and share what they have done with Leonardo. Hopefully it will be things like do homework, watch TV, read a story and not things like go for a swim in saltwater, get drawn on by my sister, have dinner spilled on me! The students will then share their adventure with a short presentation in the morning to help develop oral language and confidence.

Leonardo was introduced on Monday. He came in the post on our weekly barge. The kids were so excited to meet him. We decided he was a ‘he’ not a she and also picked his name through a class vote. Some of the suggestions were quite funny: Squirt (came from me to get the ball rolling and comes from Finding Nemo) and Crush (also Finding Nemo). Then there was; Milo, Fred, Leonardo and Brian! The votes were counted and Leonardo it was.

Writing with Leonardo

Culture with Leonardo

This week he has been a nice companion when sitting on the carpet for whole class lessons. Even the fidgety little ones have held him carefully and still. He has sat on our desks to help with work and has been on playground duty with me (the year 6/7 kids think I’m nuts).  Today he had culture with us and now he is preparing for next week when he will go home with the first child.
Leonardo helping with insect drawing
This weekend I will be making his book, his bag (waterproof – and you know why) and also a little note for parents with a wish that Leonardo returns to class each time!!

I’m looking forward to seeing how his first trip goes!

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